
Accessing the source code for these tutorials

Thank you for choosing the BA3 Altus Mapping Engine — The best mapping engine on the planet for iOS and Android application developers who need amazing performance and flexibility, control of their data, offline support for standard and custom map formats, and real-world tested cockpit reliability!

This guide will help you get started with the Altus Mapping Engine on the Android platform. If you are developing for iOS, please visit our iOS getting started page here.

Note to Advanced Users

If you're already familiar with developing Android applications and using third party libraries and you want to get up and running quickly, here's a summary of this tutorial:

  • Download and unzip the Altus Mapping Engine binaries.
  • Add the libs to your project.
  • Import*; into your activity.
  • Add a MapView object to your activity.
  • Turn on a map with a single line of code:
    addInternetMap("MapQuestAerial", "");


This documentation assumes that you using Google’s ADT bundle for developing Android applications. As of this writing, Google’s released tools are based on Eclipse and are available here:

If you have not done so, download and install Google’s ADT for your computer and operating system.

This documentation assumes that you are targeting Android hardware based on ARM, specifically, armeabi-v7a. The Altus Mapping Engine is also available for earlier ARM architectures as well as x86 platforms. If you need these architectures, please contact us at [email protected].

The Altus Mapping Engine SDK for Android may be obtained from our public git repository here:

Or you may download a snapshot here:

You can read online documentation here, but it is also included in the links above:

When you obtain the SDK you should have the following Folders/Files in the AltusMappingEngine folder:

Description /File
Altus Mapping Engine Java Archive libs/altusmappingengine.jar
Altus Mapping Engine Native Library libs/armeabi-v7a/
Apache Commons IO Java Archive libs/commons-io-2.4.jar
Documentation Starting Point docs/index.html

The SDK also includes several tutorials to help you get started.


Installation is really as simple as unzipping the file you downloaded and copying everything in libs into your Android project’s libs folder. The tutorials will help you get started by walking you through the process step by step.

You can learn more about the Altus Mapping Engine classes used in this tutorial in the Documentation. If you have any questions about the Altus Mapping Engine, any feature requests or suggestions for improving the Altus Mapping Engine, please send them to [email protected].