MyGoFlight Discusses Advantages of WingX Synthetic Vision

July 26th, 2011

It’s nice to see information about our synthetic vision system integrated into WingX Pro7 start to circulate. We just launched the system a couple of days ago and we’re happy to see the words is getting out.

From the article: “This is big! Synthetic Vision will give us a view outside of the terrain and other obstacles when visibility is otherwise impaired. Synthetic Vision depicts terrain using a high-resolution terrain database, and obstacles using a comprehensive obstacles database.”

“For instrument rated pilots, this is a major capability when in IMC. For VFR pilots, this adds major capabilities for flying at night. And, at an additional cost of $99 annually, a tremendous value. For whatever reason, most on-board avionics manufacturers want us to upgrade hardware to add this feature to it with a hefty price tag. Obviously, Hilton Software has shown that this feature can be added through improvements to the software alone.”

The article links to one of our videos. You can see more on our video channel on YouTube here.


Flying Review
Flying Magazine reviews WingX Pro with BA3's synthetic vision in this article from the October issue.
Wired Review
Wired Magazine pays tribute to BA3's implementation of synthetic vision in this review.
Synthetic Vision Announcement
Hilton Goldstein, founder of Hilton Software, announces the integration of BA3's synthetic vision capability into WingX Pro in this announcement video and describes the new functionality.
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Watch our technology demos on the BA3 YouTube Channel.
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