The BA3 Altus Product line is a comprehensive suite of products and services that gives enterprise clients complete control over their mapping assets and map rendering. The Altus product line includes:

The BA3 Altus Mapping Engine™
The Altus Mapping Engine™ is a high-performance, high-capability, high-reliability engine for rendering mapping assets on any platform. It is derived from a single code base that is identical on all platforms. Developers learn one engine and use the same concepts/capabilities on all platforms. Companies using the Altus Mapping Engine™ gain complete control over their base maps and map layers and improve developer productivity. Platforms supported:
- iOS
- Android
- Windows 8
- Web

Altus Server
Efficient, consolidated server pipeline processing for all map data sources. Data is refined to a unified format that can be streamed or downloaded to devices. Data assets produced by Altus Server are identical on all Mapping Engine platforms. If the company desires it, all developers across the company can access all mapping assets instantly and include them in their applications. Or mapping assets can be siloed on a department-by-department basis, with each department managing its own assets and server pipelines. There is one server component for each map data type:
- Altus server for raster files – Processes geoTiffs, geoPDFs, aerial photos, FAA charts, etc.for display in the Altus Mapping Engine™
- Altus server for terrain – Processes terrain data for creation of terrain base layers
- Altus Server for markers – Processes static marker layers up to one million markers
- Altus server for vectors – Processes vector layers produced by MapShop
- Altus server for weather – Processes various forms of weather data
Altus MapShop
The Altus MapShop product allows developers and cartographers to select vector sources and style them for display in the Altus Mapping Engine. Vector maps have advantages that include compact storage compared to raster tiles, dynamic styling on device and high performance display. Vector map styling and deployment from sources such as OpenStreetMap and Esri shape files, as well as custom vector sources imported into the MapShop database, are supported. MapShop is a stand-alone product.

Altus Professional Services
BA3 offers a comprehensive suite of professional services to assist clients in the deployment of the Altus product line:
- Training. On-site training is available for any of the Altus components.
- Research and development. If a client wishes to create a new type of visualization, handle a new data type or mapping asset, or modify an Altus product for internal reasons, the work falls into the realm of Research and Development.
- Developer support. Question answering, problem resolution and custom coding to accelerate developers.
- Design services. BA3 can help enterprise clients optimize the appearance and usability of their mapping applications.
- Server integration services. BA3 provides assistance designed to optimize server processing of mapping assets and improve work flow and deployment cycles inside the enterprise.
- General Consulting and Professional Services.
Licensing Options

BA3 works with enterprise clients one-on-one to create a bundle of products and services that perfectly meets their unique needs. Talk to BA3 today!

BA3 makes its complete product line available to universities for educational purposes. Contact BA3 today.

If you are a company or individual creating mapping apps that can benefit from the power and stability of the Altus Mapping Engine, please contact BA3 for pricing.
Does your app need the performance, power, features and flexibility of the BA3 Altus Mapping Engine™? Does your company have special needs or a special situation? Talk to BA3 today!