Monday, April 1st, 2013 at 5:57 pm by ba3 — Category: News
This review of ForeFlight 5.0 has appeared in Flying Magazine:
Pilots Give High Marks To ForeFlight 5.0
Several quotes from the article demonstrate benefits derived from ForeFlight’s outstanding UI features and integration with the capabilities of the BA3 Altus Mapping Engine:
Pilots are singing the praises of ForeFlight’s latest Version 5.0 update of its mobile charting app for the iPad — and after flying with the updated software, we have to agree that it’s great…. Terrain and obstacles within 100 feet are colored red and hazards within 1,000 feet are yellow. The terrain colors change smoothly and, as ForeFlight points out, they look stunning on the iPad.
The terrain and altitude-responsive features of the Mapping Engine are rich and detailed - the Mapping Engine Feature Tour video can help you learn more.
A new “Terrain” map selection is also now available in Version 5.0. This base map lets you see terrain features as you fly.
The following screen shot from the Mapping Engine Reference App shows one aspect of the Mapping Engine’s terrain features. The yellow coloration represents 1,000 ft hazards, and red is 100 ft hazards. This same type of terrain coloration might be used to represent flood-prone regions, cell phone coverage areas, etc.

If you have questions about Altus products and services, the demonstration code or licensing, please contact us at: [email protected]. Also, any feedback, comments or suggestions that you have are always greatly appreciated.