Android Compatibility for the BA3 Altus Mapping Engine
Monday, February 10th, 2014 at 2:13 pm by — Category: Demo Tools

The BA3 Altus Mapping Engine runs on iOS, Android, Windows 8, OSX and Linux. By far the most challenging platform from a compatibility standpoint is Android, because of the well-documented fragmentation problem. To eliminate the fragmentation issue, BA3 has been working to test the Mapping Engine across a variety of platforms.

Would you like to help with this effort? If so, here is an APK file that contains BA3′s Android reference app:

Altus Demo APK

If you click on the link while you are on an Android device, it will download the app and you can install it (Note - when you download it, it may end up in your downloads app, and you can install it from there. An alternative is to download the APK on a desktop or laptop machine and email it to yourself on the device.)

Our big question: Does this APK file run or not run on your device? We would love to know the answer to this question so we can expand our compatibility page. Specifically:

  1. If you have tested the APK file on a device not listed on the compatibility page and it runs successfully, could you send us the details about that device (its name and Android version number)? We will add it to the list.
  2. If you are having problems with the APK on a device that is either listed here or not, could you tell us about it? We need to know the device name and Android version number so we can investigate.

Please send information or queries to [email protected]. Thanks so much for your help.

If you have questions about Altus products and services, the demonstration code or licensing, please contact us at: [email protected]. Also, any feedback, comments or suggestions that you have are always greatly appreciated.